The Pareto Report takes a broad perspective about Romanians as people and consumers, bursting industry and social bubbles for a richer, reality-based understanding of the consumer context.
The Pareto Report offers a comprehensive perspective on Romanian consumers: a critical resource for businesses as they start off their 2025 journeys. A successful project that has confirmed value for clients in financial, retail, FMCG, entertainment and NGO sectors, now at its 4th edition.
What you gain:
“The Pareto Report is an excellent tool for understanding market trends that are emerging now and shall cascade down and influence the whole market. The insights are clear, detailed and precise, with true commercial value. Content is King, but context is Queen.”
“We are operating in a rapidly changing environment, where adapting strategies has become a vital condition for success. In this context, it is crucial to have comprehensive information about your consumers - this is the only way management teams may uncover truly distinctive insights that can create impact, before competitor do. The Pareto Report gives precisely this advantage, providing a unique perspective on emerging cues.”
Am proiectat un studiu sindicalizat pentru a descoperi lumea Pareto. Principiile directoare au fost: meticulozitatea prin metode solide, exactitatea prin eșantioane suficient de mari și descoperirea de insight-uri puternice prin intrebări bine țintite de-a lungul stadiilor de cercetare.